Land, Water, & Conservation

Stewardship of the land
Our passion, our meditation, our breath, and our practice. Willowtail Springs has become a wildlife property, bird sanctuary, and a water wonderland. Enjoy the abundance we have created together with nature. We are the “neighborhood crazies” who gambled our energy and our savings to rescue our pinion and ponderosa from a massive infestation of the Ips bark beetle several years ago.
Much research, four years of work, lack of resources and no guarantee of success were facing us. However, with the help of the State Entomologist, Dave Leatherman, and many others, 7,800 pinion and ponderosa trees in our ancient pinion and juniper forest are still alive and serve as homes to birds, other wildlife, and humans.
“The storm and dense rainbow was fantastic! My favorite part of this Southwest corner has been seen right here.”
–Joy, W. Stockbridge, MA
We have several water sources–all precious and abundant. With a background in engineering, Lee is a “water wizard” who makes our water stretch as far as it can.
Explore More
There are many paths and trails through the property–some wild, some mild. Surrounded by other properties, some private and some public, including BLM land where further exploration is encouraged. We have also planted many new native species of grasses, bushes and flowers in an already beautiful land.
Please come and enjoy the place we have created. Wander through cultivated perennial gardens, in woods, streams, meadows and rock outcroppings. Take time to appreciate nature’s small vignettes and miracles of design as well as her larger magnificence.
“You leave us full of the forgotten and overlooked Colorado–mist-covered lake and mystery.”
–Carolyn & friends“We were touched by your gracious property. It is divine. Your creative sensitivity is evident everywhere without intruding.”
–Karen and Robert, Centereach, NY“Loved the waterfall at the end of one of those paths.”
–Melissa, Rockwall,TX“You have created an oasis without trampling on the magical land.”
–Joanie and Peter, Tulsa, OK“Lovely gardens, fabulous views, limitless stars at night which we cannot see in the city.”
–Penny and Family, Dallas, TX