3 Day Workshop: Poetry & Junk Journaling with Michael Thompson and Tina Deschenie

3 Day Workshop: Poetry & Junk Journaling with Michael Thompson and Tina Deschenie
When: November 3-6, 2023
Where: Willowtail Springs
This 3 day workshop is a combination of poetry writing with Michael Thompson, and Junk Journaling with Tina Deschenie.
Workshop for Native and non-Native women. 5 participants – total scholarship.
Teachers: Tina Deschenie (Diné), Michael Thompson, (Muskogee), Lee Cloy, (Black)
Writing, poetry and visual art. Junk Journaling, Tai Chi.
Meals, lodging with working studio and classes are full scholarship. Agenda to be posted soon.
Application / Questions: Contact Peggy via email or phone, 970-560-0333.